Update: Schedule Your Appointment

Our Career Development Office has updated our appointment scheduling system! All students and alumni with CORE accounts can schedule appointments with our career counselors on CORE

We look forward to connecting with you!

Instructions for Booking and Canceling Your Appointment

How to Book an Appointment:

  1. Log in to your GW Law CORE account.
  2. Navigate to the Appointments page from the left navigation panel.
  3. Select an available time under a Career Adviser’s name, and in the window that appears, select "Book Appointment.”
  4. Fill in the details and select "Book Appointment.”
    1. Select your "Appointment Type” based on your needs.
    2. Select a time slot.
    3. Choose your preferred location (in person or virtual).
    4. Provide details for your appointment and attach any necessary documents.

Helpful Tip: From the Appointments page, you can filter for available appointments by Career Advisor, Appointment Types, and more.

How to Cancel an Appointment:

  1. Navigate to the Appointments page from the left navigation panel and select the appointment that you would like to cancel.
  2. On the new window that appears, select the ellipsis icon. Then select "Cancel Appointment.”
  3. Select "Yes, cancel it” to confirm the cancellation of the appointment

CORE Student/Alumni Portal


Schedule an Appointment

Our counselors are here to partner with you in your professional development and job search. The following appointment scheduling system is only available to currently enrolled JD students. 

Drop-In Counseling 

The Career Development Office offers drop-in counseling during the following times: 

Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm ET.* 

*Drop-Ins are offered in-person only on Wednesdays and Thursdays, and offered virtual only on Fridays. To access virtual appointments, visit the "Appointments" tab on CORE with your CORE account. 

Clerkship Drop-In Counseling

If you wish to speak with a member of the clerkship team regarding the clerkship application process, request status, troubleshooting online application platforms, resources, and other clerkship inquiries, please fill out our Clerkship Drop-In Hours Registration Form to enter your information and the judicial clerkship coordinator will reach out to you. Drop-in appointments are only available during the times specified below:

Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm ET. 

Prospective Students

Prospective students who wish to speak to someone should contact GW Law Admissions at 202.994.7230 or [email protected].

LLM students and alumni

LLM counseling services are provided by the Graduate and International Programs Office.

Book Your Appointment Today

Our Career Development Office has updated our appointment scheduling system! All students with CORE accounts can schedule appointments with our career counselors on CORE. 

Follow these instructions to schedule your appointment. We look forward to connecting with you! 

CORE Student Portal