Information for Employers
Why Hire at GW Law?
There are many reasons why you will find well-prepared future lawyers at GW Law.
Learn about our students' unique qualifications
Recruiting at GW Law
The Career Development Office offers a variety of networking events and interview programs to connect prospective employers with our talented law students. Employers may engage with our students through our 100% pre-screened interview programs, job postings and resume collections, or by attending one of our signature networking events. We encourage you to contact us at 202.994.7340 or [email protected] to discuss which programs best fit your recruiting strategy.
Post a job vacancy for free online using CORE.
The George Washington University Law School Recruiting Guidelines
- Full Recruiting Guidelines
The George Washington University Law School is committed to working with employers to maximize employment opportunities for GW Law students and to supporting our students in making well-informed employment decisions. As in past years, we will continue our policy of providing 100% pre-screening for our recruiting programs.
Our Recruiting Guidelines incorporate the NALP Principles for a Fair and Ethical Recruitment Process. As a general matter, we believe it is in the best interests of employers and students, whenever possible, for employers to allow students adequate time to evaluate their employment options. Employers should not exert undue pressure or inducements to accept offers early. For example, we consider “exploding offers” to be “unreasonable.”
We recognize that due to firm or office size, employers may require flexibility on the offer acceptance period. Employers should nonetheless follow a reasonableness standard in the offer process and may contact the Career Development Office (CDO) for guidance, as needed.
Full-Time Employment
- Employers offering full-time positions to commence following graduation to students not previously employed by them should leave those offers open for at least 14 days following the date of the offer letter.
- Students may request that an employer extend the deadline to accept the employer’s offer until as late as April 1 if the student is actively pursuing positions with public interest or government organizations. Students may hold open only one offer in such circumstances. Employers are encouraged to grant such requests.
- Employers offering full-time positions to commence following graduation to students previously employed by them should leave those offers open until at least October 1 of the student’s final year of law school, provided that such offers are made prior to or on September 2. Students should reaffirm these offers within thirty days from the date of the offer letter, if the employer offer letter requests such reaffirmation. Employers that have requested this reaffirmation may retract any offer that is not reaffirmed within the 30-day period. After September 2 of a student's final year of law school, employers offering full-time post-graduate positions to students previously employed by them should leave those offers open for at least 14 days following the date of the offer letter.
Summer Employment
- We encourage employers offering positions for the following summer to students whether or not previously employed by them to leave those offers open for at least 14 days following the first day of GW Law School's Summer Recruiting Program.
- Students may request that an employer extend the deadline to accept the employer’s offer until as late as April 1 if the student is actively pursuing positions with public interest or government organizations. Students may hold open only one offer in such circumstances. Employers are encouraged to grant such requests.
First Year Students
- We do not prohibit employers from posting positions for or contacting first semester 1Ls. However, we ask employers to respect that 1Ls should be focused on their studies in the first semester of law school. In most instances, the 1L summer job search process should not begin until the conclusion of first semester exams.
- All offers to first year students for summer employment should remain open for at least 14 days after the date of the offer letter.
Nondiscrimination Policy
The goal of the CDO is for our students to have a productive and positive recruiting experience. We require all employers who participate in our interview programs to agree to the George Washington University Nondiscrimination Policy. Please be advised that participation in any GW Law School recruiting program or posting a job opening at GW Law indicates acceptance of the GW Law School nondiscrimination and anti-harassment policies.
The George Washington University does not unlawfully discriminate against any person on any basis prohibited by federal law, the District of Columbia Human Rights Act, or other applicable law, including without limitation, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression. This policy covers all programs, services, policies, and procedures of the university, including admission to education programs and employment.
Inquiries concerning this policy and federal and local laws and regulations concerning discrimination in education and employment programs and activities may be directed to:
The George Washington University
Office of Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action
2033 K Street, NW, Suite 320, Washington, DC 20052Consistent with the NALP Principles, employers who recruit at GW Law school must ensure that recruiters have training to avoid bias, discrimination, and harassment in the recruiting process. GW Law provides interviewing and recruitment environments that minimize the risk of discrimination and harassment, including sexual harassment. Any violations of our recruiting policies should be reported to the Associate Dean of Professional Development.
Thank you for your interest in hiring GW Law students and we look forward to working with you. Please let us know if you have any questions, suggestions or concerns.
Recruiting Programs and Events
- Recruiting Programs
The Recruiting Programs connect legal employers who are recruiting for summer and/or permanent positions with GW Law’s talented JD students. While the majority of employer participants are large law firms; other employers represented include government agencies, public interest and legal services offices, and district attorneys' offices.
Over 300 employers recruit at GW Law each year through seasonal recruiting programs, regional interview programs, and online resume collections. More than 600 law students participate in our recruiting programs, generating upwards of 3,000 interviews.
Employers unable to attend on-campus or regional interview programs can utilize our Job Listings. Through these listings, employers have the flexibility to set their own deadlines, retrieve application materials at their convenience and contact students directly to coordinate interviews at their office.
Below you will find more information and registration instructions for this year's programs. Should you require further information please email Liza Ramirez. Additionally, you may email us at [email protected].
New York Interview Program
To be offered via Flo Recruit, virtual video interview platform
Summer Recruiting Program
To be offered via Flo Recruit, virtual video interview platform
This signature program is promoted to our 2L and 3L students, providing your job openings with the highest level of visibility. The Career Development Office will collect student resumes, you will preselect your interview candidates, and we will coordinate your interview schedule.
Registration will be open from TBD. Please follow these instructions to register for our seasonal recruiting programs or New York interview program:
- Log into CORE*.
- Click "Register for OCI"
- Next to "OCI Round", select the recruitment program of your choice.
- Complete the registration form, providing a minimum of three acceptable interview dates. We will make every effort to accommodate your first choice, however availability is limited. Click “Register”.
- You will then be prompted to post a Job Listing. Please complete the job listing form and click “Submit for Approval”. Your opportunity will not be visible to students until you complete this step.
*Your CORE username is the email address associated with your CORE account. If you have forgotten your password, click the "Forgot Password" button. If you do not have a CORE account, click "Sign Up" or contact us at 202-994-7340.
Job Listings
Employers who prefer the flexibility to collect applications on their own timeline can create a Job Listing. These postings allow employers set their own deadlines and retrieve application materials at their convenience. Log into CORE and click "Post a Job".
- Signature Events
GW Law hosts a variety of networking programs throughout the year to connect employers with our various student groups. These annual programs are a great opportunity to meet our students in a more informal environment, identify talent, and build your brand on campus.
- Meet and Greet Series | Annually every academic semester
- Practice Area Expo | Annually in November
- Professional Development Series | Annually in April
To learn more about any of these programs, contact the Career Development Office.
- GW Law and Georgetown Law Public Sector Recruiting Program
The GW Law Career Development Office and the Georgetown University Law Center collaborate to host our annual Public Sector Recruiting Program (PSRP). This program allows public interest organizations, government agencies, and legal services offices to meet and interview students from both law schools. PSRP will be held on Friday, January 19, 2024.
Employers may participate in PSRP by conducting on-site interviews, participating in an online resume collection, and/or by attending the "Table Talk" networking event.
Employer registration is managed by Georgetown Law's Office of Public Interest and Community Service (OPICS). Employers may register for PSRP online or by calling OPICS at 202.662.9655. Employer registration begins in November.
The GW Law Career Center and the Georgetown University Law Center collaborate to host our annual Public Sector Recruiting Program (PSRP). This program allows public interest organizations, government agencies, and legal services offices to meet and interview students from both law schools. PSRP will be held in January of 2023.
Employers may participate in PSRP by conducting on-site interviews, participating in an online resume collection, and/or by attending the "Table Talk" networking event.
Employer registration is managed by Georgetown Law's Office of Public Interest and Community Service (OPICS). Employers may register for PSRP online or by calling OPICS at 202.662.9655. Employer registration begins in November.
Nondiscrimination Policy
GW Law is committed to supporting diversity and inclusion among all students, faculty, and staff. We believe that diversity is key to individual flourishing, educational excellence, and the advancement of knowledge and we maintain a deep commitment to fostering a diverse community in which all students, staff, and faculty learn and work in an atmosphere of inclusion and respect.
The George Washington University does not unlawfully discriminate against any person on any basis prohibited by federal law, the District of Columbia Human Rights Act, or other applicable law, including without limitation, age, color, disability, gender, gender identity or expression, genetic information, marital or familial status, national origin, pregnancy, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, and/or veteran status. This policy covers all programs, services, policies, and procedures of the university, including admission to education programs and employment.
Current government policy prohibiting members of the transgender community from serving in the military is antithetical to the Law School’s commitment to maintaining a diverse community free from discrimination. Federal law, more specifically, the Solomon Amendment, however, allows the federal government to terminate federal funding if military recruiters are not permitted to recruit on campuses of those institutions, like GW, which receive federal funds. In other words, not allowing military recruiters at GW Law interview programs would jeopardize all federal funds received by GW. While GW Law honors those in our community who have chosen or will choose to engage in military service, it condemns the government’s current prohibition on transgendered individuals serving in the military. Our decision to allow military recruiters at our interview programs is in no way an endorsement of this policy.
The GW Law School Career Development Office requires employers who post jobs or participate in any GW Law recruitment program to abide by the university's Equal Opportunity, Nondiscrimination, Anti-Harassment and Non-Retaliation Policy. In addition, consistent with the NALP Principles for a Fair and Ethical Recruitment Process, and the George Washington University Nondiscrimination Policy, employers who participate in GW Law's recruitment programs must ensure that recruiters and interviewers have training to avoid bias, discrimination, and harassment in the recruiting process.
GW Law strives to foster a recruitment environment free from discrimination and harassment. Students should report any violations of our recruiting policies or issues related to discrimination or harassment in the recruiting process to the Associate Dean of Professional Development. Additional resources may be found in the university’s Title IX Sexual Harassment and Related Conduct Policy. If you have any questions about this policy please direct them to the university’s Vice Provost for Diversity and Inclusion, who also serves as the university’s Title IX Coordinator, at (202) 994-7440 or via email at [email protected].